Saturday, January 11, 2014

Argentina - Knock on Effects on Lying Statistics

The Economist has a good piece reporting on how the Argentinian governments lies about inflation are now impacting other economic and social statistics.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Philip's Curve Interactive Graphic

The New York Times has a great Philips Curve Graph that shows the unemployment-inflation trade-off at specific points in history.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sir William Petty - Man Who Invented Economics

The Economist has a short article on Sir William Petty - the man who invented economics.  Another person who you wish you had learned about earlier.

CME's Future's Trading Game

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has a good online simulation for future's trading.  In the simulation, players can either be a "hedger" or a "speculator".  It is a good way to have students learn a complex (but important) financial instrument by doing.

Caught up on NY Times "Its the Economy"

The New York Times "Its the Economy" have had a few good articles recently:

Thinking Outside the (Big) Box - A look at how paying workers more can result in more sales and higher profits for companies.

Why Are Americans Staying Put? - An examination of how Americans have become less mobile and what that might mean for changes in the American economy.

Mind the Gap - Explains the limits that mayors have in combating economic inequality and how policies to fight inequality in cities could actually create more inequality - not so much because the rich will leave cities, but because the policies will attract more poor people.

Switzerland's Proposal to Pay People for Being Alive - Describes the basic-income idea that governments provide each citizen with a minimum income (instead of various welfare programs).