Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mankiw on Picking Stocks

Greg Mankiw has a good short article in the New York Times that sums up economists thoughts on picking stocks in a short format that is good for students.  His suggestion was a vanguard global stock fund.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Economic Growth Based on Technology Adoption

The Economix Blog at the New York Times has a good post, and related chart, on how the rate of technology adoption by developing countries explains the differences between rich and poor countries - basically they do not fully or quickly adopt technologies.

Economic Development and Poor Working Conditions

Adam Davidson has a good short article in the New York Times on how to view the Bangladesh Factory disaster in the light of economic development.  It is similar to the much older article "In Praise of Cheap Labor" by Paul Krugman.

Dani Rodrik - Use of Economists?

Dani Rodrik has a good article in Project Syndicate asking the question, "What Use are Economists".

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Andrew Ross Sorkin on Bob Diamond

Andres Ross Sorkin has a piece in the New York Times about Bob Diamond.

Larry Summers vs. Glenn Hubbard

Adam Davidson has a good piece in the New York Times about the economic differences between Larry Summers and Glenn Hubbard about the different views of the U.S. economy  what ails it and what policies should be implemented.  It does not give a lot of theory, but it does provide a good supplementary read to support learning about macro theory and its relation to policy.

There is a good "behind the story" post that provides interesting insights on Summers and Hubbard as well as the way they carry themselves in public debates.