Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of Unemployment

Check out the interactive unemployment graph from Catherine Rampell.

Euro in the News

Two sources of views on the current Euro Crisis. First, Paul Krugman on the Euro from Fresh Air. Below is Paul Solman on the PBS News Hour:

Eurozone Inflation - Choose your number

Inflation in Europe - depends on what number you look at.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Unemployment and Re-employment

The Wall Street Journal has a good article on how the unemployed are doing finding new jobs and the downward pressure on wages - the basic point is that wages are a lot less "sticky" in this recession. The graphs are illuminating.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Debtris Video

Information is beautiful has created a video on the size of different debts and prices for global problems that uses the idea of Tetris blocks to show scale - very cool and informative. Check it out.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mankiw's Advice for Obama

Greg Mankiw in the New York Times gives advice to Obama on how to deal with the Republicans in crafting economic policy. In the article he lays out the Republican view of economic philosophy. It is an interesting pieces, but I think it does more to give the ideas of traditional Republicans and not the Republican party in power now.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Three Challenges to Macro

Ken Rogoff has published a proposal to the National Science Foundation "Grand Challenge" in economics. Rogoff's proposal highlights the three major challenges to macroeconomics following the economic crisis - basically, he nails it on the head.